I'm really not sure why my family is still such a popular topic of conversation. I'm sorry, train wreck has been cleared and no casualties to report. A few bystanders were removed from the scene, but no substantial loss to anyone. Get the fuck over it and move on people. Nothing to see here.
The thing is... I am the one that brought this on. I know and accept that. I know that my attitude and depression was cause for some people to question my stability and limitations... But that does NOT give anyone the right to pass judgment on me and ASSUME shit. Let alone bring that shit to OTHER people's attention just to make themselves and their bullshit lives look better. Though you people attempted to sabotage my marriage, my family, and my LIFE with your lies and allegations, you DID NOT BREAK ME. And you WON'T EVER BREAK ME. You are nothing but pathetic little fucks with NOTHING better to do with your lives than waste time and energy talking about ME and the rumors that YOU created simply because you are fixated on my life. I don't care what the reason is, its just sad. Some people will do ANYTHING to create drama and can't seem to let go of the high school mentality that defines them. Run your mouth and revel in the attention you get for having "info." It's such a shame that people have to stoop to such levels just for people to like them or to be a part of a certain group of people. Fuck you and your middle school cliques. It is funny to me that you can't actually dig up anything on me so you resort to making up lies just to remain in the spotlight. I have dirt on each and every person that currently enjoys running their mouth about me and my family. And trust me, if I were less of a person, I would put all of ya on blast. But, alas, my mama taught me manners and oh yeah, I'm a big girl now. So I will continue to carry all of your secrets and bullshit inside of me considering I made a promise. Funny how I seem to be the only one upholding the promise of that thing called FRIENDSHIP. Wanna know the best part? I knew all of you would do this. Which is why I haven't trusted any of you with my innermost feelings and emotions for YEARS. This is part of what brought on your lies and rumors. Just because I wouldn't divulge to you how my depression was really affecting me. Or how my issues were slowly killing me inside. Or offer any explanation to you whatsoever. That apparently gave you all the green light to ASSUME that I must be leading a double life. You had to assume that I wasn't telling you shit because I was hiding something. That I was out being scandalous and deceitful. Funny. Because in reality, I wasn't telling you shit because you fucking suck at life. You wouldn't have kept my normal everyday feelings to yourself. Why tell you anything important?
Point is, I'm done with you and all your bullshit. It doesn't phase me when you continually talk about me and bring up my supposed issues. Apparently the only people that truly know me are the only people that I actually trust to keep close to me. Mainly my husband and my immediate family, and a few select super special people I consider good friends. Aside from them, people are going to believe whatever they want to believe. I'm not going to continue to defend myself and my family because the only people that matter are the ones that know the truth. Last time I checked, I wasn't on drugs, wasn't a whore, wasn't pimpin hoes for cash, I don't torture small animals, I don't eat babies, I don't see purple elephants, I don't have a body part collection hidden between the walls in my house... I'm just me. I have had some tough times in my life, battled some wicked issues, but have come through just fine. There is nothing to hide, nothing to own up to, nothing to say. I'm done. Just want to let everyone know that I just don't give a fuck. People can quit coming to me and telling me that certain people are still running their mouths. They can run them all they want because the people they are telling it to and believe it can fuck off as well. I've written you all off and have not looked back. In case you are wondering, I don't miss any of you and I'm quite happy about that. :) It's quite the weight off my shoulders. So... moving on. To those that are a part of my life, I love and appreciate you all more than anything and will continue show that love and appreciation until I die. Everyone else that has wronged me... Have a fantastically pathetic hatred filled downward spiral of a life. Don't let the door hitcha in the ass on the way out. K? Oooohkaybuh.
Oh panda... I love you girl! I dont hear any of the drama or bs cuz im probably not cool enuf to be in that clique :) Dealing with drama sucks and we are too old to waste time on dumb people so keep ur head up and everything will work out!